
Loot and dredge mtg
Loot and dredge mtg

loot and dredge mtg

Anyway, let's break down the evolution of Dredge in Modern! Ravnica Standard-2007 Also, since it's been a while since we've had a Deck Evolutions article, I figured it was worth highlighting some of the old articles, in case you missed them. Today's Dredge Deck Evolutions is actually the fifth installment  in the past, we've covered Modern Tron, Legacy Miracles, the now-extinct Modern Twin, and Modern Jund. So, today, we are going to take some time to look over the evolution of the deck, from the very first days of the Modern format up until now, where the deck is so good that some people are suggesting that it may need to be targeted with a banning. Even though the rise of Dredge as a true tier-one deck is relatively new, some form of Dredge deck has been floating around in Modern for years. For the past few months, it has been firmly in the top tier of the format and at times has been the number-one overall deck in Modern.

Loot and dredge mtg